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Spring Film Festival 2022


The Student Union Art Gallery at UMass Amherst is proud to present our Spring Film Festival for emerging film-makers. This exhibition will run for two weeks, from March 21st to April 1st, with a closing reception event and screening on April 1st. During this time the gallery will host multiple mini-theaters running long loops of the selected films. Visitors will be able to drop in at any time during open hours (M-F 10-5pm) and experience a large selection of the curated works at their leisure. 


We are accepting short films, animations, experimental works, video essays/research, short documentaries, and video installations. Our jury panel of curators, film-makers, and media scholars are excited to receive works across a broad range of video and time-based media. We especially encourage works from emerging and student makers who are working in the Western Massachusetts area, but all submissions will be considered.

How to Submit

To submit to SUAG-FF'22 please fill out the google form linked below with your contact information. We prefer a link to a version of the film to be presented or a sample clip of it, but will accept a written description of works still in progress or installations. Please note any specific installation requirements in the description.

Deadline for submissions is March 1st.

Acceptance notifications will be sent on March 10th

Submission form link:


©2020 by Student Union Web Gallery. 

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